The Constitution of The Chess Valley Bridleways Association

Revised April 2013

Name and Objectives

The Association shall be known as The Chess Valley Bridleways Association (CVBA). The CVBA exists to promote, foster and facilitate safer on- and off-road horse riding in the vicinity of the Chess Valley and the surrounding area. It particularly promotes off-road riding on bridleways, permissive tracks and on horse tracks.

Membership and finances

The CVBA offers membership to individuals, or families, who have complied with its membership requirements, including payment of the relevant subscription for the period in question.
Subscriptions are used to promote the CVBA’s objects, and funds may also be generated by events organised for that purpose.


All powers of the CVBA’s management shall be vested in the Committee, consisting of office holders, being the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, together with other members. The office holders will be elected annually by the Committee members. Two-thirds of Committee members shall form a quorum for all decisions. All Committee members shall offer themselves for re-election annually at the Annual General Meeting of paid-up members. The Committee is empowered to co-opt members onto the Committee at any time. All decisions of the Committee shall be final, unless overruled at a General Meeting of members.

For the avoidance of doubt – and within its management powers – the Committee may:

i. Formulate a Constitution and any by-laws for running the CVBA

ii. Accept, decline or withdraw any individual’s membership of the CVBA;

iii. Set member subscriptions.

Member Meetings

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held each year to receive and adopt the accounts and to transact other CVBA business proposed by the Committee and by members.

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Secretary at the Committee’s request, or by a request signed by not less than 10 members, to propose and vote on any matter of business.

Notice of all General Meetings shall be sent to members not less than 21 days before the meeting and shall specify matters to be dealt with.


The revenue of the CVBA shall be used solely to further the objectives of the Association. In the event of dissolution or winding up of the CVBA any net assets remaining after settlement of all due liabilities shall be donated to The British Horse Society, to which the CVBA is affiliated.

CVBA Committee,

April 2013