Types Of Horse Tracks


Statuary Rights of Way marked on the Definitive Map. Often signposted and with a number for example, SA14 (Chandlers Cross) FD1 (Flaunden) and marked in Blue. Walkers have priority over Horse Riders and Riders over Cyclists. If there is a temporary closure for some reason an alternative route must be provided as near to it as possible. If a bridleway becomes blocked, fly tipping, tree down across the track, or rabbit holes on it should be reported to the relevant Rights of Way Dept depending upon County. If the problem is on the hedge line then it is the Landowners responsibility.


The track can be on Parish or Private Land and is not recorded on the Definitive Map. Examples: Penman’s Green, Chipperfield Common. If misused or become damaged (boggy in winter) can be closed temporarily or the landowner has the right to close it permanently with no alternative. Any damage or blockage to the track, it is up to the Landowner to clear at their expense. The use of these tracks can be revoked at any time by the Landowner.

Restricted Byway

Open to all non-motorised vehicles. Suitable for Horse and Cart. NO Quad Bikes or Off-Road Vehicles. Example – Pocketsdell Lane BV9, Pudds Cross, Bovingdon.

Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT)

Usually an unmade-up road, but can be just a track. Off Road Vehicles have rights to use these tracks. Example – Stoney Lane BV20, Bovingdon

Multi-User Track

Not on the Definitive Map. Land owned by Highways Department – purpose built track along wide verges by roads for all 3 users (walkers, horses & cyclists). Langleybury Lane is an example

Licenced Tracks

We currently have two licensed tracks in the Chess Valley. Little Westwood and Newhall Farm. The CVBA has arranged with the Landowners for CVBA members ONLY to ride these tracks. An annual fee is paid so Riders must pay to use these routes, display a valid disc and sign that they have Third Party Insurance. Anyone not doing so is Trespassing. It is NOT a right of way. If riders don’t adhere to the instructions on the boards and ride on the footpath or off the track the Landowner has the RIGHT to close it.

Jasmine Safety Track Trust (JSTT), now disbanded – read more here.


The Trustees have the right to close these tracks at any time: Flaunden Lane, Bragmans/Moonshine and the Memorial Track (between Bucks Hill and Bottom Lane). The Langley Road (Chipperfield) track is the only JSTT track open to walkers. All tracks are ridden at your own risk and riders must have Third Party Insurance. Funded SOLELY by donations and separate fundraising.